
Welland Medical and Premier Ostomy at the 43rd NSWOCC Conference

In the vibrant city of Calgary, Alberta, the 43rd National Conference of Nurses Specialised in Wound, Ostomy & Continence (NSWOCC) Canada recently took place, marking a pivotal moment for Welland Medical and its Canadian distributor, Premier Ostomy. From the 2nd to the 5th of May 2024, industry leaders, healthcare professionals, and pioneers converged under the theme “Rising to the Challenge,” sparking conversations, sharing innovations, and championing specialised care.

Welland Medical and Premier Ostomy: A Strong Partnership

Welland Medical provides innovative solutions for individuals living with a stoma. Partnering with Premier Ostomy, led by Joel Goldenberg, has allowed us to bring our advanced products to the Canadian market, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care.

Conference Highlights and Engagement

For Welland Medical, represented alongside Premier Ostomy, this event wasn’t just a conference but an opportunity to showcase our commitment to advancing solutions for individuals living with a stoma. With a number of enthusiastic nurses visiting our stand, the excitement surrounding Welland’s range of stoma pouches was palpable. The team, including Joel Goldenberg, President of Premier Ostomy, Moira Evans, Clinical Marketing Manager, and Hendrik Van Der Velde, Business Development Manager, left a lasting impression on attendees.

Driving Dialogue and Innovation

The significance of this conference extended beyond mere networking opportunities. It was about driving meaningful dialogue around wound, ostomy, and continence care, addressing healthcare challenges, and fostering educational growth. On “Industry and Science Day,” attendees had the chance to learn about new and innovative products in these fields.

Interactive Session on Skin Health

Moira Evans led an interactive and informative session titled “Skin Health, Something for Every Body,” highlighting the importance of choice for individuals living with stomas. She discussed how the colour of stoma pouches can impact patients’ quality of life and self-confidence. For example, a survey showed that offering a black pouch option significantly improved patients’ confidence and clothing choices. This demonstrates the power of choice in supporting stoma patients’ wellbeing and adjustment to life with a stoma.

Hands-On Learning and Professional Development

The conference also featured hands-on workshops and specialised sessions, providing valuable opportunities for learning and skill enhancement. From wound care to ostomy management, the program catered to diverse interests, fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development.

Looking Forward

As we reflect on this enriching experience in Calgary, we are excited for a continued journey fuelled by innovation, collaboration, and a shared commitment to improving the lives of individuals with stomas across Canada and beyond. We look forward to continuing our work with Premier Ostomy and engaging with the Canadian healthcare community.

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Together, we can make a difference in the lives of individuals living with a stoma.  #WeAreWelland

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