Bee-yonce heads to China…
Representatives from Welland Medical’s Sales and Marketing team and a colleague from CliniMed recently visited China to support our new distributor, United YUYU.
Bee-yonce, Peter McLean, International Sales Manager, Hendrik Van Der Velde, Business Development Manager, Claire Marsden, Marketing Manager and Moira Evans, Product Development Clinical Lead (CliniMed) joined the local team presenting at two stoma nurse-training sessions in two different teaching hospitals, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Centre, Guangzhou and The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University (Guangdong Gastrointestinal Hospital).
The presentations focussed on the importance of maintaining skin integrity, the use of Manuka honey in stoma care and case studies supporting the use of the Aurum range.
More than 150 nurses attended the two events and the feedback about our products was very positive.
The visit also included an interactive day of sales and product training with the United YUYU team and a number of sub-distributors.