For a Happy Stoma, Wahle Gold!
Representatives from Welland Medical’s Sales and Marketing team travelled to Wilnsdorf in Germany to support a patient meeting hosted by Wegimed GmbH, Welland Medical’s German distributor.
The event, organised by cfmi (consultants for medical interests GmbH), had over 40 ostomates in attendance, with the opportunity to listen to expert speakers on the topics of parastomal hernias, nutrition and peristomal skin health, followed by the chance to speak with local healthcare companies about the products and services available to them.
Ian Morton, Business Development Manager and Laura Margetts, Marketing Communications Executive, were delighted to attend the event and support Bernd Ginsberg, from Wegimed GmbH, who was one of three guest speakers. Presenting on the benefits of using Manuka honey for maintaining healthy peristomal skin, Bernd provided an informative insight in to how the unique properties found in Manuka honey, one of only five food grade ingredients included in the skin friendly hydrocolloid formulation, can help to promote healthy skin around the stoma.
The patient meeting also saw the launch of our joint campaign, ‘For a Happy Stoma, Wahle Gold!’ and www.happystoma.de aiming to educate ostomates and healthcare professionals about the therapeutic properties of Manuka honey, found in our Aurum® range of ostomy products.
This campaign generated much interest from those in attendance and we look forward to supporting Wegimed GmbH with the ongoing promotion of our innovative range of stoma care solutions at future events.