The 39 Challenge
News just in!
We are pleased to announce that this year we will be joining in again with Colostomy UK’s ‘Step Up For Stomas’ challenge, this time with a twist.
Starting this September, Colostomy UK are challenging people to participate in ‘The 39 Challenge’. A challenge to take part in an activity or sport, based around the number 39, as a way to represent that every 39 minutes someone in the UK has stoma surgery.
Running for 39 days, from the 1st September to 9th October, we will be walking, swimming, and dancing as part of the challenge, keeping you up to date along the way on our social media pages and raising funds to help the charity better support those living with a stoma and those who care for them.
Colostomy UK is UK based charity that supports and empowers those that live a stoma. Everything they do is part of their vision to make hidden conditions more understood and accepted by all, so that people can reach their potential. We are proud to support Colostomy UK and their rugby team, Team Colostomy UK, which was formed to prove that a stoma is no barrier to playing even the toughest of contact sport.
To find out more about Colostomy UK and ‘The 39 Challenge’ visit their website: https://www.colostomyuk.org/.