Welland Medical launch new ostomate initiative
On Wednesday 26th June, Welland Medical launched its new programme of ostomate meetings, WIT UK (Welland Innovation Team) with the purpose of better understanding end user needs to support the ongoing development of new products.
The day comprised of a visit from guest speaker Sophie Murray, who shared advice about the importance of nutrition and hydration when having a stoma. Sophie is Head of Nutrition and Hydration for Sunrise Senior Living. She has been a registered nurse and award winning Nutritionist since 2012. For lunch, and in collaboration with Chef Ian Nottage, ostomates enjoyed a selection of dishes designed and prepared for them to enjoy.
The days highlight, as expressed by the guests, was the tour of the manufacturing facility. The group experienced first-hand the care and detail that goes into making Welland stoma care products and during the tour they took their chance to sample some Manuka honey. This is genuine honey used in the Aurum ostomy pouch range.
Are you are an ostomate based in the UK and would like to register your interest for future WIT UK events? Please contact us here
You can find out more about the Aurum ostomy pouch range here.