
Over 20 Years of Flushable Innovation

Welland Medical have been leading the way in flushable technology since 1996 and continues to be the only manufacturer of this very unique product in the world

Flushable innovation through the years

From the very first flushable colostomy bag, Impact, through to the very latest release, Aurum Xtra; Welland Medical has always delivered innovative solutions that are specifically designed to address ostomates everyday challenges.

2015 Aurum Xtra

Aurum xtra pouch and inner liner overlay

2009 Flair Active Xtra 

Flair Active Xtra Flushable Colostomy Bag_01

2004 Flair Xtra

Flair Xtra cut out

1996 Impact

Impact maxi cut out

Aurum Xtra Brochure

Download (pdf1.74 MB)
flushable stoma bag brochure