SPCare Owners

In the Spotlight with SPCare, Portugal

SPCare founded in 2008, have their offices located in Lisbon, Portugal.

João Soares from SPCare says…

“Our objective is to become a fully specialised partner for the market development and commercialisation of healthcare solutions. Our focus is ostomy solutions where we have over 10 years’ experience conveying to the market innovative solutions and services. It is our strong belief we have together with Welland Medical the best ostomy devices in the market and we are striving to bring our services and client support to this level of excellency. We offer a 24-hour toll-free care line for support and enquiries covering the whole of Portugal”.

To order your stoma products in Portugal contact:

+351 21 193 14 20
Email Us

For ostomates living in another country, please find your local supplier here.



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