Welland Medical Makes a Successful Appearance at NSWOCC Conference in Canada
Welland Medical recently attended the Nurses Specialised in Wound, Ostomy & Continence Conference (NSWOCC) in Ottawa, Canada.
The conference, which was held from 3rd to 7th May 2023, was NSWOCC’s first in-person national conference in over three years and with a theme of “Let’s Face it! Together!,”, which focused on advancing specialised care, addressing health care challenges, and providing an educational program that covered wound, ostomy, and continence care. The conference welcomed Nurses Specialised in Wound, Ostomy & Continence (NSWOCs) and Skin Wellness Associate Nurses (SWANs) from across Canada, as well as hospital and community-based nurses and allied healthcare professionals.
This was also the first time that Welland Medical’s relatively new distributor for Canada, Premier Ostomy, showcased our range of stoma bags to nurses attending the conference, with the assistance of Moira Evans, our Clinical Marketing Manager and Hendrik Van Der Velde, our Business Development Manager. The event was a great opportunity for Welland Medical to showcase our products to the Canadian market, and the product options available to those living with a stoma.
The fourth day of the conference was designated as “Industry and Science Day,” whereby attendees had the opportunity to learn about new and innovative products in wound, ostomy, and continence care that industry partners were launching. Welland Medical’s Clinical Marketing Manager, Moira Evans, delivered an engaging and insightful presentation on the use of Manuka honey in stoma care, presenting evidence-based practice that reviewed how Manuka honey hydrocolloid flanges may support peristomal skin. Throughout her presentation, Moira also discussed the impact that leakage has on peristomal skin and how it may impact skin integrity through a variety of patient case studies which were shared as clinical reflections. Welland Medical’s Business Development Manager, Hendrik Van Der Velde, was also in attendance at the conference and helped Premier Ostomy showcase Welland’s stoma products to a wide audience, helping them gain an understanding of what our products offer to those with a stoma.
Throughout the conference, many other topics were covered including hands-on advanced speciality workshops, Wound, Ostomy and Continence (WOC) institute-sponsored workshops, and five learning streams, namely wound, ostomy, continence, SWAN, and French sessions.
The conference was an excellent opportunity for our team to network with healthcare professionals and showcase our products to a national audience. We look forward to attending more events in the future and continuing to expand our reach into new markets, with a focus on helping enhance the lives of those living with a stoma.